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Mad at the Internet

Feb 26, 2021

We finna melt snow, talk about bombing Syrian children, win lawsuits, assign diaperfurs their cell, and leave the US.

Feb 19, 2021

A return to normal, the Fuentes question, Razorfist shows off his based mestiza mommy, OnlyFats, and we #FindSai.

Feb 12, 2021

An extended edition MATI episode in celebration of the Chinese New Year. Gropyer glow ops, Ralph designs a shirt, Fallout: The Frontier drama, Chantal's surprise, Nikocado makes me laugh for the first time, Shawty makes a black guy pay the toll.

Feb 5, 2021

Cat says meow, my rocket explodes, a man pays his toll, and team of people responsible for copy+pasting things falls apart.